
Evalang - Complete Test
Evalang - Complete Test

Evalang - Complete Test

$22.00 USD


Modern, fast, and accessible, Ev@lang is a cutting-edge tool designed by France Education international (former CIEP) to certify a foreign language level.

100% online, Ev@lang is an adaptive test: it uses the answers provided by the candidate to adapt the level of difficulty of newly asked questions, thereby finding automatically their level of competency. The test includes all three modules: oral comprehension, written comprehension, and grammar & lexicon.

It takes at most 35 minutes for the Ev@lang test to calculate the language level of the candidate. As soon as the test has been completed, the candidate can download and print an attestation of their level. 

Once purchased, you will receive a unique candidate code by email with instructions on how to redeem. Codes are sent from Monday to Thursday, 8AM-4PM.

All sales are final.